Summer is almost here. Let us sit back and smell the roses, appreciate and give thanks for the many blessings in our lives.
We hope you will be able to joi
n us for the annual Parish Picnic on Sunday, June 11th at the Parish Center in Independence.

Beginning with Liturgy at 12:00 noon at the Chapel, followed by a wonderful afternoon of activities, good food, and lots of great fun.
This is an excellent time also to meet each other and put a name with a face of the people you see at Liturgy each week.
We are asking for volunteers to help us make this the best Parish Picnic to date. There are three ways to volunteer:
1. Set up at 10:30 am
2. Serving beginning at 1:00 pm
3. Clean-up at 6:00 pm
If you are able to volunteer a little of your time, please contact Claire Naoum
We also want to encourage you and your family to stop by for a visit around the beautiful outdoor statue of St. Charbel here in Independence. It is a great way to pray and reflect and bring him your joys, sorrows and challenges.
$5 donation includes food, drinks, and entertainment! Please bring a dessert to share!
See you at the picnic!