Welcome to another year of The Maronite Christian Formation Program. Once again, we will be offering two ways for your child to enroll in our program:
Thursday evenings beginning October 7, 2021 ($35.00)
7:00 pm -8:00pm: Religious Instruction
Parish Center: 7800 Brookside Road, Independence 44131
7:00 pm -8:00pm: Religious Instruction
Parish Center: 7800 Brookside Road, Independence 44131
Sunday mornings beginning October 3, 2021 ($35.00)
12:00-1:00 pm Religious Instruction
Saint Maron Church 1245 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland 44115
12:00-1:00 pm Religious Instruction
Saint Maron Church 1245 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland 44115
Registration for the MCFP program for grades Preschool through 8th grade will continue for the next few weeks by completing the forms found here and either mailing them to St. Maron Church, 7800 Brookside Road Independence 44141, or bringing them to the office in Independence between 9-3pm. 216-520-5081 Office
We must have a registration form for each child.
Those who are First Communicants must register as soon as possible.
Sunday & Thursday MCFP teachers are needed.
Please complete the following form to register for MCFP
(Forms also available in the vestibule of church and chapel)