March 11, 2020
Dear Parishioners of Saint Maron:
It is our responsibility as we are going through this global crisis with COVID-19 that it is very important to take some precautions and to keep praying for those affected by this virus. With having an elderly parish, those suffering from immune deficiency and other health concerns for your safety we will be implementing the following.
Based on Bishop Zaidan’s letter to all the priests, as well as the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, I would like to tell you of some temporary precautions we will be taking until this crisis is gone, especially now that Cleveland has three cases as of this letter.
1. If you feel sick, have a fever or are coughing, please stay home
2. We will be taking out all holy water containers. Fr. Elias will be able to bless any holy water containers you bring to the church.
3. Communion will be administered in each person’s hand.
4. At the sign of peace, we will pray for those around us rather than shaking hands.
5. All religious and Arabic classes will be cancelled until further notice. This is for the safely of our children.
6. The church will be disinfected prior to Saturday and Sunday Liturgies. Please wash your hands and sanitize prior to Liturgy.
7. We will not be having our usual donuts following Sunday Liturgy.
8. As recommended by the CDC, please cough into your elbow. If you do use a tissue, please discard as soon as possible into a waste can. (Do not leave in the pew)
9. At present public officials have not recommended public gatherings to be cancelled.
10. We will e-mail the parish with any official guidance or changes in our approach.
With any public health concern, we can all do our part by remaining calm, carefully following official recommendations.
I very much appreciate your consideration. Please do not feel offended if someone does not want to shake your hand or embrace you.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Elias Yazbeck