Download a copy of this reopening letter.
Below you will find a list of precautions necessary to have a safe reopening of our church.
- Hand sanitizer will be at the entrance of the church. We also recommend you bring your own to use as well.
- We appreciate if each one of you will wear your own mask which also includes children, as suggested by health and government authorities for the safety of others as well as yourself. We know this is inconvenient. The cry room will be open for children to use at the parent’s risk.
- Please leave the church immediately following the final blessing without socializing inside the church.
- The Social Hall in the basement will be closed until further notice.
- All church activities will remain suspended until further notice.
- We will continue having 40-day liturgies without the condolence line following.
- If you would like to speak with Fr. Elias, please give him a call. Please do not come to the sacristy after liturgy.
- Communion will be received into your hand only. You may lower your mask to place the host into your mouth. Both the priest and recipient cannot be wearing a glove.
- Restrooms will be open for emergencies and will be used at your own risk.
- No books will be in the pews.
- The weekly bulletin will not be printed. It will continue by email and website.
- If you are sick, have health issues or have been in contact with Covid-19 patients, you are encouraged to remain at home.
- Fr. Elias will resume distributing communion at your home for homebound and those requiring the anointing of the sick. Unfortunately, he will not be able to sit and visit in the home or go to hospitals or nursing homes.
- Bishop Zaidan and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have extended dispensation for all those who want to stay home or do not feel comfortable returning yet.
- Please follow the signs when you enter the church.
- If we feel that the numbers are larger than we can accept, we will then do reservations in the coming weeks.
- Baptisms, weddings, and funerals are allowed within the guidelines of the government and the Ohio Catholic Bishops requirements.
- Weekday Liturgy will be on Tuesday (English) & Thursday (Arabic) at 6pm Facebook Live: DO NOT COME TO THE CHAPEL PLEASE.
If you know of anyone that does not have email, please share this information with them. It would be greatly appreciated.
We are all in this together and we are still learning about how to deal with this pandemic which has affected the whole world. Please know I am doing my best to keep my parish safe while providing spiritual needs for all of you.
I hope you all stay safe and healthy.
God bless you.
Fr. Elias Yazbeck