At a Glance

Established: | 1915 |
Current Pastor: | Father Patrick Kassab |
For more than one hundred years, Saint Maron’s has been serving the Maronites of the greater Cleveland area preaching the Gospel, educating our young people, celebrating the Eucharist, forming friendships in community, serving the poor and the needy, comforting the sorrowing and attempting to make the love and grace of our God more visible in our world.
Saint Maron’s seeks to be a welcoming community, and we hope that the information provided here will acquaint you with the diverse ministries and activities that form our parish life.
Saint Maron’s seeks to be a faith-filled community, and we hope that this website will open up for you the many ways that our parish provides to grow in the Lord.
Saint Maron’s seeks to be a serving community, and we hope that in these pages you will find a call to reach out with your time and talents to those in need, whether that need be material or spiritual or social.
The Eucharist is the center of our life of faith and worship; for it embodies the presence of the Lord himself in our midst and in our lives. Our parish family seeks to continue the tradition of warmth and intergenerational community that has been part of Saint Maron’s ever since a handful of families began worshiping together in the old Saint Maron Church building more than eighty five years ago.
We, the people of Saint Maron Parish, form a community of disciples
dedicated to a shared faith and common life which exemplifies the
life, works, and teaching of Jesus Christ as reflected in the
Sacred Scriptures and the Maronite Catholic Tradition.
Our Parish life and mission are to proclaim the Gospel,
to foster and strengthen the faith, and to evangelize.
Our covenant of discipleship with Jesus Christ is
fulfilled through liturgy, education, and service.